Monday, February 25, 2008

Soccer gone Bad

Yesterday I went to go watch the soccer game. It was like watching me play when I was like four yrs old. They missed the ball and fell on the ground they would also miss the goal when it was like five feet away. Soon after the varsity team played a little better and faster. Soon all a sudden cortney got hit in the face it was really funny but I kinda felt bad at the end.


Emma said...

This really made me laugh becuase of the way you were describing the way they played. I liked this becuase of the detail you had. I was also at that game and saw that and it was sorta bad. But good job on your blog. Have a nice day!

-emma. said...

I liked this entry because you explained what the game looked like. I didn't get to see the game, but I heard about it. It made me laugh when you said it looked lie five year olds. Good Job!

Chirs said...

This was a very funny entry because of the words you used. This was full of detail. The soccer game was really bad though. It made me crack up watching it. Good job writing.

. said...

This sounded like a fun game to watch because cortney got nailed in the face. Unfortunately I missed it, but your great game description made me able to picture what happened in my head. When you said they reminded you of when you were four years old, I thought that was a little harsh, until I saw them play for myself. Now I can agree with your comment. Nice blog entry, I really enjoyed reading your paragraph overview of the girls soccer game.

Cortney =] said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Will said...


This is a hilarous post. I was so funny how you discribed cortney getting popped in the face with the ball. Man this is a great post.