Monday, December 3, 2007

Whashington Coast Hike

The first day of this trip was horrible we could'nt get on this ferry due to heavy fog after waiting there hoping the ferry would open it didn't. Soon we left and got onto a different ferry. After off the ferry we had a long drive ahead.

When we got there it was already dawn and getting darker so we hiked off into the dark with our lights leading us. After a couple miles we started to get into some nasty wet rocks and water puddles varrying in different sizes. Every body was getting hurt my freind fell hard on his side another friend cut himself and so did many others. Also we got very wet a person accidently got waist high in water. At last we where there we ate and all of us fell a sleep.

On the second day our teacher woke us all up and of we went tired wet and curious. Once again we hit all these wet slippery rocks and we also had some big dry rocks we had to climb over. We also saw some eagles we even saw dead animals, it really shows the coast is a harsh world to live at. Once we got there we hade lots of fun we and many others went swimming it was a really stupid idea but it was a memory that will last. It was also fun to sit by a campfire and talk about the day.

The third day was not as bad it was a little over casty but that was it the only bad thing was that the rocks were very slippery again and after that it was al ong stretch of medium sized rocks that made your feet sink in. We took a break and there was a huge marina were we scavenged for oysters and clams we got a couple and that was it. When we got to the camp site we had to climb up a very steep hill wich was very scary. Once we built a fire we started cooking the oysters and clams, yum, they were good. After that I happened to notice the waves were big enough to ride and so I gathered some people to go with me. But all ussuden it started to rain. But that didnt stop us it was so cold when we got out we put our feet in the fire and still didnt feel any thing. At night trying to sleep the rain cept coming even harder.Its our fourth day and its still raining all my stuff was wet and freezing all well we started hiking and suddenly the hike turned out to be very horid and very nice we saw a living seal on the beach and a dead one. Also it was rainy and windy, we only had to walk on sand 75% of the time. Once we got there the rain had stopped and the sun had come up. We were all dancing and yelling thank God! We Set up camp gatherd some wood and all we did was dry out our stuff and try to hit seaguls with rocks. At night we had found racoons and had some fun with them. In the morning it was over we all took this old wooden board walk to the ranger station when we got there we all were happy.

This trip had tought me that you must be prepared and mentally ready for what happens and it shows me what im capbable of doing

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