Thursday, December 6, 2007

Stop Frame Animation

Patrick Parnell
American Studies

This project has tought me how to use a camera better and how a Stop Frame works and what it is.

The most fun of the project was the part when you would take pictures. Because you would feel like you would be almost done with the project. Also you would appreciate your work more after you made it and took the picture. Therefore another fun thing was seeing your animation come alive in the camera. I think it was almost looking real and it was funny seeing them moving all at one time. The camera was even fun working with because it was hard keeping the camera steady. When surfing through the pictures on the camera it was cool looking at the mess up pictures, it would be funny looking at it cause there would be a huge hand about to crush the little clay figures.

The most difficult part was staying on task because all your friends would be talking and you would want to be with them. So you wouldn’t get anything done and you would be held back. Also you got clay around and stead of making clay figures you would just play with it. Also they are great throwing objects so I would throw it at people. The things we would have to put together was hard but when the clay or something would break you would just want to quit and walk away witch Chris and I did some times. It was also fun by talking to other classes when they came up to work on there project. Also the lie I kept on saying to myself tomorrow I will do the project, that is just lazy.

The most important thing was to stay on task. What I mean is that I and Chris needed to not talk to different people. Also not play games with different people and waste time. Also not to quit in the middle of what your doing and just keep going. You also shouldn’t do it half way and quit in the middle. I also think you should make a good scenery and clay figures to use and get a good grade on it. Also ask people for help cause they will help so you can be successful.

My main thing is to Stay on Task 100% always or else you probably get a pretty bad grade. Also you should be responsible on your work and make good clay figures.

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